quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2007

Rubrica: A escolha do dia - the bottleneck master

Simplesmente maravilhoso este disco

Ry Cooder has long had an interest in other people's music, from the blues and gospel of black America through classic jazz and the music of Cuba. Even by this standard, his meeting with Mohan Vishwa Bhatt is certainly a departure. He is neither a serious student of Indian music nor in any way a master of its intricacies. Yet on his improvised session (this album was recorded without rehearsal in one evening), he and Bhatt truly collided musically and created moments worthy of the world-music Grammy they received for it. Bhatt is an iconoclastic character himself. He plays a modified box he calls the mohan vina that is a hybrid of a classical Indian instrument and slide guitar. He is long trained in the arduous classical style, yet his work has always demanded a lot of freedom. His duets here with Cooder are completely unique, liberating both artists from the usual constraints and creating a new musical style that is unlikely to be repeated or imitated. --Louis Gibson

2 comentários:

flávia disse...

Puxa, tentei baixar esse cd no emule, mas nem tinha...vai ficar pra próxima.

Anónimo disse...

Consegui tirar só um trecho de 10 minutos(n sei quanto tempo tem o cd todo).
É realmente muito bom.
As notas "revelam-se" sem igual nos arranjos ao longo de toda a composiçao. O improviso está bem patente na fluidez dos sons que se sucedem numa harmonia tanto inquietante como tranqulizante. Um achado!